
In sight....

My First Message

I got a reminder today that I have been instructed, in the past, to “Tell them” and I have not. This instruction came hard on the heels of my second-ever In sight, several years ago. Yes, I did tell the immediate group of people I was with, but someone challenged me to rethink who ‘them’ was and I realized that perhaps I should be expanding my context.

That’s where it stopped. To be sure I have talked about my experiences since then, on a one-to-one basis -- when the topic of messages from ‘God’ came up! Not exactly living in the spirit of the instruction, I am sure. So I will now attempt to convey the two In sights I have received previously.

They are still as fresh to me now as they were when I ‘heard’ them many years ago – and I did actually hear both of them. It was as if someone in the room had spoken, yet there was no one there. It freaked me out the first time, but the message came through, loud and clear, and it changed my life.

Let me start by saying that I was always an inquisitive child. Very inquisitive. I drove my mother crazy with my constant questions. Why…? Why…? Why…? I always wanted to know the reason behind everything, including any instruction I was given. I’m sure all you parents can sympathize with my mom, the primary instruction-giver in the house.

So this has been my modus operandi all my life - needing to know the logic behind every action. As an adult, I still ask “Why…?” and am not willing to accept a mindless or trivial response. There has to be a valid reason for doing something, or why bother? (another ‘why’, you’ll notice) Now add another layer. Since I was 12 years old, I have dealt with depression. At least 12 years old is the first memory I have of wanting to die. That is how my depression manifested itself – a sudden, usually unprovoked urge to kill myself, coupled with exhaustion. Sleep was my refuge. And it was during one of these depressed episodes that I received my first message.

I wasn’t asleep. I was in bed, though, crying, in my room, with the door closed so no one would know what I was going through. I was dealing with the ‘Big Why?’ I had been crying and complaining to God that there was no reason for me to go on. I could see no purpose to my life, or for continuing this suffering, and was letting God know that I was miserable and wanted some answers. And I was getting increasingly agitated and angry about the state of my existence. Why was I here on earth? What was the purpose of my life? For that matter what was the purpose of life, period? If I just had some idea of why I was here, I could deal with this unrelenting sadness. Why couldn’t He just show me what He had in store for me? What was His plan?? Why didn’t He just tell me???

It was at the height of this tirade that I heard my answer. And I do mean heard. A stern voice, a voice that was so real that I spun around on my bed to see who had come into my room, said “Because I don’t want you to know.”

There was no one else in the room.

I was shaken. But I also got the message. Because along with the voice, the ‘physical’ message, came the In sight that we are not meant to know. We are never to know, so long as we are on this earth. The whole point of life is to question, and to seek answers and to grow…continually. That is the Purpose of Life.

It was a true revelation. And I can honestly tell you that it changed my life. I have never again asked what the purpose of my life, or Life in general , is, because I know the answer. With absolute certainty. The purpose of our BE-ing is simply to ask questions, to grow, to experience and to marvel, as a child, at the intricacies and variety of our existence here on earth. And that’s enough. Life is wonder-full.

In sight...

Skipping Stones

What did I learn today? Like skipping stones on the Conscience, little bursts of In Sights breaking through…

As ever, “It’s not important”. Don’t be concerned with matter, only BEing. Can you feel that spiritual child in you? It’s having fun. Always. You are here to experience life in a physical format and this is part of it. Enjoy it. It’s why you came.


Meditation is listening for ‘God’ with your being. Listen with your soul, your essence. It’s not a physical hearing, not in words, but a reception of bursts of wisdom, or In sights.

Relax. Get in touch with your Self, your soul, your being, your own energy. Then let that energy re-connect with the Flow of energy that is Source or Essence or God.

When you connect with the energy flow, it is moving quickly, so be patient. It’s much like stepping into a stream of traffic, or water, or a crowd. It takes some adjustment to get up to speed, to understand the ’language’ again. It does not require effort on your part. You know how to connect, to communicate; it is, after all, your native tongue. It just takes ‘time’ to switch gears.


Time is strictly an earthly concept, and a foreign one in the energy stream. You already know this. Consider the elasticity of time – how it rushes past when you are busy enjoying yourself, and how it stands still when you are waiting for something, good or bad. You can control time, so do.

Try this. Decide how long it will take you to do something, before you start. I don’t mean to estimate how long it will take, but to decide that “This is how much ‘time’ will pass while I do this”. You will be surprised at how affective you can be when it comes to time.


With respect to love, it abounds. Don’t fret about one source that is stopped up just now, there are many other sources that are flowing to you. Enjoy them. Let love flow through you. Don’t be concerned about other’s love streams; your’s is the only one that you can control. You don’t want to control anyone else’s stream – that is their experience. Let them live it. And once you release your love energy, it is no longer your responsibility. It is simply energy that you have released. It is others’ choice to receive or reject it, and their choice neither diminishes nor enhances your offering. Tend to you own love flow. It is good. It’s all good. Enjoy.

In sight...

Another meditation message...

As God, as Essence, we have chosen to create this world to experience individuality, separateness. We know nothing of separateness, or limits, or wants, or desires, as Essence. It is only because of such creations that we have any concept of these things. Therefore, the world as we know it has been a very valuable experience. It has helped us to increase in dimension, for we can only truly grow through experience, and we want to grow, to continue to develop. That is the true purpose of existence. If we stop growing we cease to Be.
We have had many varied experiences as individuals. We have experienced joy, and pain, and worry and scarcity – all of which were previously unknown emotions to Us. Emotions, as such are only experienced in this physical form. We have experienced individuality as being separate from each other. (By the way, love is not an emotion – it is a state of being – the state from which we create – our shared Essence.)
Now we are wanting to experience individuality from a conscious perspective, from a knowledgeable perspective. To be able to greet one another in the knowledge that we are all one is the next frontier of experience. We want to feel individuality without separateness, to ask “How are you?” and revel in the reality that we do not already know.
This is the purpose of our existence currently; to grow toward this consciousness, and to experience the joy of this growth, to experience this discovery. Delicious fun! Be still and feel the joy that is within you, even in your darkest moments. When you can be in touch with this part of you and feel this inner joy, at will, you are Conscious.
Each time we do this, we are reconnecting with our Whole Self momentarily, in order to more fully experience our individuality. Without one, we cannot have the other. Meditation is most commonly used for this purpose, but it is not necessary to spend great amounts of time to reconnect; only be still and Feel. Turn your focus inward, connect, and then get back to the experience of living. That’s why we’re here, after all, right? Why spend more time than required looking inward, when the experience is to be had looking outward? Look for the consciousness in others and smile in shared knowledge.

In sight...

This message came to me during a meditation. I had the urge to type, and did -- without thought. My fingers seemed to move of their own accord. It was an amazing experience, and an awesome message. I love it. Hope you do too.

Love Yourself – Both of You!

Love your spirit as you love God, for the all-powerful, creative and creating essence that it is. And love your shell as a parent loves a child. See the potential, excuse any faults, forgive mistakes as being part of the learning process, and love the shell simply for being, for existing. Rejoice in every new thing you learn, every experience you have.

You may move freely from one expression of yourself to the other, as life evolves. The goal is to always come from a place of peace, and to be happy. If you are experiencing something unpleasant, change your perspective. View the situation from your essence and react as a parent would to the feelings of the shell; comfort when in pain, sooth when angry, reassure when afraid, sympathize when sad. Stay in your spiritual perspective until the shell is ‘above the line’ again, then move back to the shell and enjoy your life!

Express your self. Walk with the confidence of a person who knows they are loved. Remember that you are always loved by your essence. That’s what your essence is…love. It is a part of the authority you call God and has all the characteristics and power of a loving God. And it is You! The core of you, the beginning of you. Present even before the you that is your body came into being, and present long after this body fades back to dust.

Embrace your self. You are the embodiment of love. The physical expression of God. You know this is true. Your inner being, your core recognizes this as truth. Your task is to remember it…always.

Time exists only so that you can experience your shell. It is an illusion created so that the experiences of this life could happen. There really is no time. Everything is occurring simultaneously. It’s just that you are experiencing it in a linear fashion, so you believe in time. You know all this, you’ve just chosen to forget it, so that you could experience life, because without time, this life couldn’t exist. That’s what makes this life so special. IT IS UNIQUE. Enjoy every “minute”!

What to do, What to do?

Summer stretches out before me like a field of prairie grain… golden, full of potential, endless. This is how it appears to me every year, and yet it seems the end of summer arrives all too soon and I have not succeeded in finishing all the tasks I had intended to tackle.

This year will be different, though. I have a cunning plan! Or perhaps I should say that Flylady has a plan. She has been an inspiration to me and I have applied her strategy of tackling chores in an organized fashion, one small chunk at a time, to my long list of “To Do”s.

After consulting with my two sons (ages 13 and 15), I’ve created a list of tasks for each of us, and made a chart to keep track of our progress. We’re aiming to do two chores and two - 15 minute work sessions each day. That should leave us lots of time to enjoy our summer, yet make slow but steady progress toward our goals. Good idea, eh?

Thanks, Flylady!

It’s all good.

Just getting started!

I'm toying with Blogspot as a vehicle to share my experiences. Let me know what you think.

This blog will let me share my journey of growth. I was told to "tell them" and it's about time I started to do just that.

So join me on my journey. If you have comments, or information to share (for free -- no sales pitches, please), email me at I'm always keen to learn something new.

It's all good.