
What to do, What to do?

Summer stretches out before me like a field of prairie grain… golden, full of potential, endless. This is how it appears to me every year, and yet it seems the end of summer arrives all too soon and I have not succeeded in finishing all the tasks I had intended to tackle.

This year will be different, though. I have a cunning plan! Or perhaps I should say that Flylady has a plan. She has been an inspiration to me and I have applied her strategy of tackling chores in an organized fashion, one small chunk at a time, to my long list of “To Do”s.

After consulting with my two sons (ages 13 and 15), I’ve created a list of tasks for each of us, and made a chart to keep track of our progress. We’re aiming to do two chores and two - 15 minute work sessions each day. That should leave us lots of time to enjoy our summer, yet make slow but steady progress toward our goals. Good idea, eh?

Thanks, Flylady!

It’s all good.