This message came to me during a meditation. I had the urge to type, and did -- without thought. My fingers seemed to move of their own accord. It was an amazing experience, and an awesome message. I love it. Hope you do too.
Love Yourself – Both of You!
Love your spirit as you love God, for the all-powerful, creative and creating essence that it is. And love your shell as a parent loves a child. See the potential, excuse any faults, forgive mistakes as being part of the learning process, and love the shell simply for being, for existing. Rejoice in every new thing you learn, every experience you have.
You may move freely from one expression of yourself to the other, as life evolves. The goal is to always come from a place of peace, and to be happy. If you are experiencing something unpleasant, change your perspective. View the situation from your essence and react as a parent would to the feelings of the shell; comfort when in pain, sooth when angry, reassure when afraid, sympathize when sad. Stay in your spiritual perspective until the shell is ‘above the line’ again, then move back to the shell and enjoy your life!
Express your self. Walk with the confidence of a person who knows they are loved. Remember that you are always loved by your essence. That’s what your essence is…love. It is a part of the authority you call God and has all the characteristics and power of a loving God. And it is You! The core of you, the beginning of you. Present even before the you that is your body came into being, and present long after this body fades back to dust.
Embrace your self. You are the embodiment of love. The physical expression of God. You know this is true. Your inner being, your core recognizes this as truth. Your task is to remember it…always.
Time exists only so that you can experience your shell. It is an illusion created so that the experiences of this life could happen. There really is no time. Everything is occurring simultaneously. It’s just that you are experiencing it in a linear fashion, so you believe in time. You know all this, you’ve just chosen to forget it, so that you could experience life, because without time, this life couldn’t exist. That’s what makes this life so special. IT IS UNIQUE. Enjoy every “minute”!