Another meditation message...
As God, as Essence, we have chosen to create this world to experience individuality, separateness. We know nothing of separateness, or limits, or wants, or desires, as Essence. It is only because of such creations that we have any concept of these things. Therefore, the world as we know it has been a very valuable experience. It has helped us to increase in dimension, for we can only truly grow through experience, and we want to grow, to continue to develop. That is the true purpose of existence. If we stop growing we cease to Be.
We have had many varied experiences as individuals. We have experienced joy, and pain, and worry and scarcity – all of which were previously unknown emotions to Us. Emotions, as such are only experienced in this physical form. We have experienced individuality as being separate from each other. (By the way, love is not an emotion – it is a state of being – the state from which we create – our shared Essence.)
Now we are wanting to experience individuality from a conscious perspective, from a knowledgeable perspective. To be able to greet one another in the knowledge that we are all one is the next frontier of experience. We want to feel individuality without separateness, to ask “How are you?” and revel in the reality that we do not already know.
This is the purpose of our existence currently; to grow toward this consciousness, and to experience the joy of this growth, to experience this discovery. Delicious fun! Be still and feel the joy that is within you, even in your darkest moments. When you can be in touch with this part of you and feel this inner joy, at will, you are Conscious.
Each time we do this, we are reconnecting with our Whole Self momentarily, in order to more fully experience our individuality. Without one, we cannot have the other. Meditation is most commonly used for this purpose, but it is not necessary to spend great amounts of time to reconnect; only be still and Feel. Turn your focus inward, connect, and then get back to the experience of living. That’s why we’re here, after all, right? Why spend more time than required looking inward, when the experience is to be had looking outward? Look for the consciousness in others and smile in shared knowledge.